Calling Read-only Functions

When building a Stacks app, you can query on-chain state from a Stacks contract by calling "read-only functions". These are functions exposed by the contract to help apps and other contracts integrate with the contract.

Setting up the ClarigenClient

The @clarigen/core package exposes a ClarigenClient instance, which provides an easy way to call read-only functions in your app.

To construct the ClarigenClient, you need to include either:

  • A string pointing to a Stacks API endpoint
  • A StacksNetwork instance from @stacks/network

To use an API endpoint:

import { ClarigenClient } from '@clarigen/core';
const stacksApi = '';
const client = new ClarigenClient(stacksApi);

Or, using a StacksNetwork instance:

import { ClarigenClient } from '@clarigen/core';
import { StacksMainnet } from '@stacks/network';
const network = new StacksMainnet();
const client = new ClarigenClient(network);

Using ClarigenClient

To call individual contract functions, you'll need to have a contract factory setup. In these examples, we'll use a hypothetical NFT contract, nftContract to call functions.


In Clarigen, "ro" stands for "read-only". It's a shorthand for calling read-only methods.

Using ro returns the exact value returns from the contract function, but typed and converted to JS-native values.

import { clarigen } from './clarigen-client';
// import your contract
import { nftContract } from './clarigen-contracts';
export async function getOwner(id: number | bigint) {
  const response = await;
  if (response.isOk) {
    return response.value;
  throw new Error(`Unexpected error: ${response.value}`);


roOk is a shorthand to call a read-only function and automatically scope to the ok type of the contract's response. It is only suitable for contract functions that return the (response) Clarity type.

In the above example, we were manually checking to see that the contract returned an ok response. We can shorten that to be:

import { clarigen } from './clarigen-client';
import { nftContract } from './clarigen-contracts';
export async function getOwner(id: number | bigint) {
  const owner = await clarigen.roOk(nftContract.getOwner(id));
  return owner;


Sometimes, the assumption is that an err is returned from a function, otherwise you want to throw an error. roErr is a shorthand for that.

import { clarigen } from './clarigen-client';
import { nftContract } from './clarigen-contracts';
// A function that throws if an NFT has an owner:
export async function expectUnowned(id: number | bigint) {
  // throws an error unless the response is `err`:
  await clarigen.roErr(nftContract.getOwner(id));
  return true;

Fetching microblock-based state

If you want to query the state of a contract based on the most recent microblock, you can include the latest option. This is provided by default.

import { clarigen } from './clarigen-client';
import { nftContract } from './clarigen-contracts';
export async function getOwner(id: number | bigint) {
  const owner = await clarigen.roOk(nftContract.getOwner(id), { latest: true });
  return owner;

Returning JSON-valid types

By default, Clarigen returns bigint for integers and UInt8Array values for buffers. If you only want to receive valid JSON, you can use the json option.

When json: true is specified, integers are returned as string (to prevent overflows), and buffers are returned as hex-encoded string.

For example, a u1000 integer would be "1000", and 0xdeadbeef would be "deadbeef".

// Return a `string`
export async function getBalanceOf(owner: string): string {
  return client.roOk(tokenContract.getBalanceOf(owner), { json: true });

Calling read-only functions without a ClarigenClient instance

If you want to call read-only functions without having to instantiate a ClarigenClient instance, the @clarigen/core package exposes pure functions for you. These are available as ro, roOk, and roErr.

When using these functions, you must specify a url or network option.

Using url:

import { ro } from '@clarigen/core';
import { nftContract } from './clarigen-contracts';
const stacksApiUrl = '';
export function getOwner(id: bigint) {
  return ro(nftContract.getOwner(id), {
    url: stacksApiUrl,

Or using network:

import { ro } from '@clarigen/core';
import { nftContract } from './clarigen-contracts';
import { StacksMainnet } from '@stacks/network';
const network = new StacksMainnet();
export function getOwner(id: bigint) {
  return ro(nftContract.getOwner(id), {